Environement setup for Linux

For those who want to go quickly, we provide (as is and without any warranty of any kind) some Docker or installation script

For those who want to be guided, step by step, do the following instructions :

Before install and launch Gisgraphy, you must setup Java, Postgres, and Postgis. It is not, properly speaking, the installation of Gisgraphy, and if you already have Postgresql, Postgis and java installed (you needs JVM >= 1.5), you can go install Gisgraphy

Install and configure java / JVM

Install Java

Open a shell and type :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

Valid screen (tab + OK) :

Accept the license (TAB to select 'yes' + OK) :

To see if Java is correctly installed, open a shell and type :

java -version

You should see :

java version "1.6.0_06"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0-b22, mixed mode)

We will now configure the Java.

Configure Java

Open a shell and type :

sudo update-java-alternatives --set ia32-java-6-sun

You may have this message if you are on a 64 bits machine : Impossible de find alternative « /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so ". thats not important. that's because there is no applet in 64 bits.

To see if java is well configured type "ls -l /etc/alternatives/java" you should see "//usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/bin/java"

We now need to add a JAVA_HOME environement variable :

  • add this line to .bashrc in your home directoy
  • export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/

  • execute "source ~/.bashrc" in a shell to take the changes into account.

Type "echo $JAVA_HOME" to check it is well set : /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

The JVM is now well installed

Install postgresql and postgis

Only Gisgraphy V 5.0 is compatible with postgis 2.0. older versions are not.

Install the package

This documentation is a documentation for ubuntu / debian, it is just a start point, but you can install Postgres and Postgis for other distributions. You will find some tutorials for a lot of linux distribution or even Windows on this Openstreetmap wiki page

Open a shell and type :

sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-9.1-postgis

It is HIGHLY recommended to have postgis 1.3.1 or greater and postgresql-8.3 for good performances....
Those packages are availables from ubuntu hardy, it is recommended to update your ubuntu distribution if you have a lesser version

Configure Postgis

Here are the command to install a Database and init the Gisgraphy database

# create the database

#create language
createlang -U YOURUSER -h YOURIP plpgsql gisgraphy 

#create postgis function
psql -U YOURUSER -h YOURIP -d gisgraphy -f -f /usr/share/postgresql/YOURPOSTGRESVERSION/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql
psql -U YOURUSER -h YOURIP -d gisgraphy -f psql -U postgres  -h -d gisgraphy -f /usr/share/postgresql/YOURPOSTGRESVERSION/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql

#or for postgis 2 :

psql -U YOURUSER  -h YOURIP -d gisgraphy -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.3/contrib/postgis-2.1/postgis.sql
psql -U YOURUSER  -h YOURIP -d gisgraphy -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.3/contrib/postgis-2.1/spatial_ref_sys.sql 

Where YOURUSER is a postgresql user with admin rights,YOURIP is the ip adress of your server( in most case) and YOURPOSTGRESVERSION is your postgres version (9.1 in this tutorial)
On centOs, and on other Linux/unix distributions, the path to scripts must be change from '/usr/share/' to '/usr/share/pgsql/contrib/'.
For postgres 8.4 on ubuntu lucid the files are spatial_ref_sys.sql and 'postgis.sql' and they are located in '/usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/'

Configure the postgres user / password

By default the postgres user can connect to postgres with the same password as the Unix one, but we'd like that postgres ask for a password and not use the UNIX one

  • Change postgres (unix) user :
  • sudo passwd postgres
  • Log to Unix with user 'postgres' :
  • su - postgres

    and give the new password you've just type

  • Check postgresql conf :
  • vim /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf

    and edit it in order to have (at least) those 2 lines (at the beginning of the file) :

    local  all     all                                        ident sameuser
    host   all     all   ident sameuser
  • Define the postgres (postgresql) user's password
  • Connect to postgres to change the postgresql password :

    psql -d template1 -c "alter user postgres with password 'YOURPASSWORD'"

    Where 'YOURPASSWORD' is the password you wish to use for the user postgres

    Now you've changed the password for your postgresql user, we have to tell postgresql to use this password

  • Update postgres conf
  • Open a shell and Type :

    vim /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf

    And edit in order to have (at least) those two lines :

    local  all     all                                        password
    host   all     all   password
  • Restart postgres
  • We must restart postresql to take our changes into account :
    Close your postgres 's Linux session, type :


    Restart postgres :

    sudo service postgresql restart
Tips : Install PGAdmin. It will be more user friendly than command line.

In order to know if Postgis is correctly install, open a PostgreSQL connection or PgAdmin and type :
  • select version (); or SHOW server_version;. It will give you the PostgreSQL version
  • select postgis_full_version () ; It will give you the Postgis version

Define Linux settings

Unix system define a maximum number of files that can be open. solr open a large number of files. to avoid message like "Too many open files" you must increase this limit. open a shell and type

sudo ulimit -n6000

That will set the maximum number of open files to 6000.

Sometimes this is not enough. and you have to edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file and add the two following lines :

* hard nofile 20000
* soft nofile 20000

Then close and re-open your unix session to take changes into account.

Type ulimit -aH in a shell to check if the value has been set

And now...

Now that you environement is setup, you can go to the Gisgraphy installation guide