Points of interest list
Here is a list of all the points of interest (Pois) type available in Gisgraphy. You can buy those Pois for one or several countries or the entire planet.
- admbuilding
- airport
- ambulance
- amusepark
- aqueduc
- atm
- bank
- bar
- bay
- beach
- bench
- bridge
- building
- busstation
- camp
- camping
- canyon
- casino
- castle
- cave
- cemetery
- cinema
- cirque
- cityhall
- cliff
- coast
- courthouse
- craft
- customspost
- dam
- dentist
- desert
- doctor
- emergencyphone
- factory
- falls
- farm
- ferryterminal
- field
- firestation
- fishingarea
- fjord
- forest
- fountain
- fuel
- garden
- gisfeature
- golf
- gorge
- grassland
- gulf
- hill
- hospital
- hotel
- house
- ice
- island
- lake
- library
- lighthouse
- mall
- marsh
- metrostation
- military
- mill
- mine
- mole
- monument
- mound
- mountain
- museum
- nightclub
- oasis
- observatorypoint
- ocean
- operahouse
- park
- parking
- pharmacy
- picnic
- plantation
- policepost
- politicalentity
- pond
- port
- postoffice
- prison
- pyramid
- quay
- rail
- railroadstation
- ranch
- ravin
- reef
- religious
- rental
- reserve
- restarea
- restaurant
- road
- school
- sea
- shop
- sport
- spring
- stadium
- strait
- stream
- swimmingpool
- taxi
- telephone
- theater
- toilet
- tourism
- tourisminfo
- tower
- tree
- tunnel
- undersea
- vendingmachine
- veterinary
- vineyard
- volcano
- waterbody
- zoo