Addresses, POIs and streets database

We have built a unique and worldwide addresses, POIs, streets, cities, and administrative divisions database. Split by country, available in CSV or SQL format. We use a wide variety of high quality open data sources : Openstreetmap, Openaddresses, Geonames, Quattroshapes.

What makes Gisgraphy stand out ?

You probably wonder how Gisgraphy is different to Openaddresses. Gisgraphy uses a complex set of rules and algorithms to clean, de-duplicate the Openaddresses data and consolidate further data sources like OpenStreetMaps or Geonames. We do not just concatenate the datasets, for each record of each dataset we:

Each datasource has its own strengths and weaknesses. We consolidate multiple datasets to combine their strengths. This results in a unique and comprehensive database with the best of each data source.

AddressesStreetsPoints of interestCitiesCity shapes





Gisgraphy database contains some specific fields : length in meters, number of lanes, speed limit, toll information, and the azimuth of the streets (orientation in degrees). Those fields allow to build application as routing, vehicle tracking, and more.

The Database for the entire planet is about 80 Gigo octets compressed and about 450 Giga octets uncompressed.

A list of available Points of interest (POIs) is available on this page

The rows in CSV files got some fields that reference ids of rows in other CSV files, as an SQL table can have a foreign key that references on another column (primary key) in another table. For instance, the street CSV file has a 'cityid' field that references the id field of the City CSV file. So you can use the CSV files to build an SQL relational database and then perform a SQL request like 'get all streets of a city' or 'list addresses in a bounding box'. Check out our integration guide.

Coverage and samples

Before your purchase, you are able to determine and view the scope of our data for any county. You can get a quote or see coverage and download sample.

You can also download the JSON feed that got all the statistics for all the countries

Our database is in CSV / TSV Format, each dataset has its own formats. See the description of each one in the integration guide.

- Addresses : +416 million
- POIs : +40 million
- Cities and administrative division : +4.8 million
- streets : +110 million

+416 million addresses

+40 million POIs

+4.8 million cities

+110 million streets

Gisgraphy SQL dumps

If you want to run Gisgraphy on your servers, you will need the data so we also provide the option to purchase Gisgraphy database as SQL dumps. The schema is the same one used by the gisgraphy framework, so you just have to insert the dump. It already contains all the datasets. By purchasing a SQL dump, you save time because the import of data is a VERY long process.

Buy your Dump Get a quote

Which format to choose ? SQL or CSV ?

We produce data in several formats and you may wonder which one to choose :

  • Gisgraphy SQL dump : This format is a SQL dump of the data after they have been imported into PostgreSQL and SolR. You have to choose this format if you want to use the Gisgraphy framework, without the need to run the importer.
  • CSV format : This format is the one to choose when you need data and you do not plan to use the data in the Gisgraphy framework. The CSV / TSV datasets is a structured format that allows being used in many ways. It can be used in Excel, or in a database, or anything that can process a text file or read a TSV file. You can see an example of use in our Premium guide

Before buying you probably wonder How the CSV / TSV files look like. You will find the description of each field on the premium documentation

Free Openstreetmap PBF extracts

When we process the openstreetmap datasets, we first split the entire planet by countries. We provide the PBF extracts for free on our download servers.


Database updates

Do you always want to be up to date and get data updates based on a regular basis ? contact us

License and attributions

Gisgraphy is a LGPL license. You can also consult terms and conditions and the attributions page.